Orchard House
The client wanted more space than his small cottage on this hilltop provided. He brought photos of a friend's converted barn to our first meeting. This timber framed house is the result. In form and materials it aims to sit gently onto its prominent site. It employs a radiant heat system set in cement and a structural insulated panel enclosure system. Doors and windows optimize the views and encourage natural ventilation. All of this combines to make the house quiet and efficiently warm in winter, cool in summer, with easy connection to the outdoors.
Featured in Fine Homebuilding Issue 180 June/July 2006
Hope House
In a windswept blueberry field in Maine, this house evokes the local farm architecture, with a hint of the vernacular houses of the owner's Swedish ancestry The house was designed for ground floor living, with lofts for visiting family. Like nearby barns, the main axis is the central aisle, with spaces framed by heavy timber posts and trusses. An insulated concrete slab on grade, with radiant heat tubing in it, makes comfortable and efficient use of heating fuel.
Gould's Creek House
This house springs from the foundation of a preexisting simple one and a half story house. The goal of the project was to design and build a new house for a family of five, using as much of the original as was practical. Exterior details are a response to the clients' wish that the new house feel like a "cottage". With only a small addition to the existing footprint, a spacious house replaces a lightly built and cramped old one.
Huckleberry Hill House
A house inspired by the historic barns of New England. TImberframed, with light, lofts, and soaring spaces.
Ring Island House
A summer house had stood on this drumlin for about a hundred years, but it did not suit the needs of new owners, nor year ‘round living. A dramatic site, with tremendous views, but we had a very big design program in a very tight space We made a narrow house in the Shingle style, with roof slopes that follow the hill and materials which will age to blend with the surroundings. Trim details celebrate the family’s passion for the saltwater environment.
Argilla House
From the “house of the future”, to a house of the past. On this foundation once stood a one story house built with a steel frame and fiberboard panels. Though considered advanced when built in the 1930’s, it was cold in the winter, hot in the summer, and rusting in the seaside environment. The client longed for a durable, traditional house in the Shingle Style, a house evocative of a favorite family vacation place in Maine. The familiar forms and natural coloring help this house integrate with its surroundings. The stone piers work to anchor it to the grassy slope. A wrap around deck and screen porch will complete the project.